"Bridges": A new European project
"Bridges" is the name of the project that our school is currently carrying out.
During this first term, and as a part of the activities included in this subject, you should find information about Science and scientist in Galicia. This is a way to know a little bit more about us.
You can either complete a presentation about biographies (Name, Photo, Work done) of scientists from the past:
- Frei Martin Sarmiento
- Antonio Casares Rodríguez
- Ramón María Aller
- Isidro Parga Pondal
- Cruz Gallástegui
- Alejandro Rodríguez Cadarso
- Roberto Nóvoa Santos
- Jimena e Elisa Fernández de la Vega
- ...
Or you could choose a new field of Science where our scientists are currently working:
CERN: http://www.usc.es/gaes/Groupmedia.html
Biology and Medicine: Xose Ramón García Bustelo, Ángel Carracedo, María Josefa Wonenburger Planells
Campus Vida: http://www.campusvida.info/
Send your presentations (powerpoint) to the following e-mail address: exchangeiesames@gmail.com
Deadline: 1st December.
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